Where is the most Holy Temple upon the Earth.

             Revelation Chapter 3, Letter 6 of the 7 Letters. It states many things promised to the                        Angel / Messenger.

Within this letter it tells you where the Holy Temple is!

But to understand this you also will understand who Jesus really is, who is the God of Jesus,

And why that one is a God to the one you call Jesus.

You will then know of a false God claiming to be God over all humans using false doctored documents that are twisted to meet his / there end.

Do you know the laws that Moses past down ? They make you a slave !

You will understand why the door placed before the Angel leads to Heaven !

Very soon he will walk through that door, it has been calling his name.

He will not eat of the grass within the water because he believes he is not worthy to do so.

They are waiting for him, he will leave all things!

Be watchful of the Star Regulus in the Northern Sky, 

I will come upon the clouds and all eyes shall see me Jesus said.

Understand also in each of these letters there is given to the Angel a spiritual message from God!

Each time a new Angel has come he has received one more message from God than the Angel before him.

If you have the wisdom to understand any of these letters, then you are blessed with ears to hear of the spiritual.

Understand that these 7 Letters are addressed to the Angel’s/ Angels spirit only. 

You will understand then why 7770 is so important as a measurement.

But read and hear Letter 6 .

Always remember the words in these letters are the words of Jesus!

Jesus held up a coin and said, who’s face is on this coin, they said Caesar’s, 

Jesus throw it down and said, 

Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to the Father what is the Father’s !

But there is a catch to those words in the line above !

This act alone is what got Jesus nailed to the cross.

He went against the establishment of corruption.

Jesus was nailed for you to show to you the path before you all.

Now A know why the words said meant so much to me.

Money is not everything, but for now it is needed.

Please endure a bit longer,

There is another way as great men and mighty men run from he who sits on the throne and from the Lamb.

Read the promise in Letter 7, Now understand who the Lamb truly is.

Here is the wisdom !

The first 7 to die for the words Jesus spoke now in reverse order they have been reborn.

Each one of them is reborn as an Angel / Messenger to a timeframe, { a Church is a timeframe }

Each of them has a level of comprehension that is equal to there rebirth order.

So the first one reborn only understands 1 letter the, second reborn 2 letter

so on and so on until now.

This Angel / Messenger comprehends all 7 letters

all the spiritual messages of each letter are given to him.

He reads them as if it is all 1 letter.

The last who was the first of 7.

This is the wisdom. 

Now I speak to your spirit.

False religion tells you that they have a message from God for you.

The message religion has for you is wrote for you to read for yourself in the Bible it is not hidden,

it is wrote for all to read. It is the message to the many, it is open not hidden.

But they do not know your life nor do they know your spirit.


Within you there are things you have never told anybody of { Never }

so only those who are of the Holy Temple can speak or write to your spirit.

your very spirit is the address of any spiritual message from the Holy Temple.

Only your spirit can understand that message because it holds what you have had hidden away.

False religion does not know your spirit nor the truth of your life.

Go into a garden and ask Jesus to show to you truth equal to your own works,

If you are not truthful to yourself then  you are not truthful to him, and nothing is shown to you of the spiritual.

Be pure of heart be humble be caring hold to no greed of your own, then he will give to you.

But your family is more so first for you to care for.

Because you understand what i have just said, then know i spoke to your spirit.

Your Spirit / Soul and your Will are 2 different things.

Your spirit and your Will argue over many things in your life!

Jesus gave to you your own Will.

So therefore you are in judgement of your own Will.

Your spirit / soul is what is connected to the singularity within you.

This is how Karma comes back and is placed upon your path through the spirit to the singularity 

then to the higher level that your spirit is from.

So Jesus does not judge you, therefore you judge your own Will that causes temptation.

Your Will is of the material things, your spirit is of the Father.

This is why your spirit and your will argue !
