The Hidden Garden

  There is garden , within this garden there is a river that runs before all things. Beside the river there are trees                                           and the leaves of the trees are to heal the Nations.                                                                       This is the story of the Knowing which is given to the messenger from the Pleiades Sisters !

                            This garden is where the messenger / Angel of that time frame goes to pray.                                  A long time ago a lady and her mother came to this man, the mother was not well, her time to live                                                  was short, The man saw this and told the mother to listen.                                                                      He told the mother not to be scared, then he said a few more thing.                                   A short time later the mother passed away. The daughter of the mother would see this man every now and                then and would talk to him, then one day her emotions became so great she started to cry then                                                                                        went away.                                                                             As she went away her tears were gathered, after this was done by the one she loved, so much of all things                                                                            disappeared .                                                                             The man knew she needed strength, so the very next day he went to the hidden garden in white clothing.         In the hidden garden there is the river, there are trees beside the river, the 24 pillars are there also.                      Beside the first pillar which had a cup / bowl/ challis beside it for the drinking of all who have passed               away of the tribe of Judea to drink of the river of life as the gate to the garden was open to them.                    The man fell to his knees and prayed, he placed his right hand into the river knowing it would take of               his essence to give to the daughter the strength she needed, she didn’t know he did this for her.                                                           His essence comes from within the creation of a singularity!                                                                                                 To her it was given to endure.                                                             But in placing his hand in the river it had taken too much of his essence and he fell asleep with his hand                                                                       still with the river.  

       A it drained from him, the 7 sisters saw of this knowing he was very weak and they needed to do                            something, so then the breeze in the hidden garden caused the trees leaves to fall.                                 The leaves of the trees covered the man in white to help him, cover him they did. the man moved pulling his                            hand from the river , yet he lay there for 2 of your small cycles, 2 hours.                                                           He woke and was very weak because of the giving of his essence.                                                                                             From this time he has been unwell !                                                                                          Of his own essence he gave freely knowing it would take from his time.                                                 The essence of each person is the measurement of there time / life, which is given by the                                                                       singularity within there creation.

                                            The Knowing is the beginning and the end of life.


                The one that collected her tears was called back to the Temple, with the tears she had gathered              which held the daughters very essence, with these tears the mother placed them into the very same bowl                                                  that the mothers tears within prays had fallen to.                                                                         The mother placed the tears into the bowl at the bass of the first pillar.                                                      Then the bowl was collected by one of the Saints, there is a grass that grows within                                   the river and its grass are also placed within the bowl then poured into the river of life.


            After a few minutes the man who woke within the hidden garden reached into the water of the river          and in his hands he scooped the water to drink of.  He looked at the water and notices the binding                                                                grasses of the grass that grows of the water.  

                                          Then he noticed with his eyes that see within something more,                                                                       It was the daughters tears that her mother place to the bowl !

                                                                Her tears were bound to the grass

                                 The grass and the leave of the trees beside the river are for the healing.                                                                                                Of this he drank .

        Of the heavenly Temple there are 24 pillars, the first 12 have wrote on each of them the name of the last 

                                                   Angel / Messenger who was given a white stone.                                                                                               For he who is first is last and last is first.                                                       The last 12 pillars have the spiritual names of each Angel / messenger that is wrote Upon the                                                  white stone given to each of the 12 of them within the 12 different Constellation’s.

               There is a Temple upon the Earth with 24 pillars also, it is a refection of the greater Temple.

                                                                   This is the Knowing

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