In Revelation letter 6 it states there is a door placed before the Angel !

The mysteries of the 7 letters.

Because of the devotion of the Angel because of his understanding to endure Jesus rewards him.

To this Angel a path is set, but he must first endure more.

Jesus has told him that the door will not be shut by anybody but Jesus.

In this letter Jesus also told the Angel that he didn’t have the strength to shut the door either,

so these events will take place regardless.

Always remember that which is upon the Earth is a reflection to the greater.

All that the Angel sow’s upon the Earth will also be sown in Heaven.

It is part of the greater binding.

So where does this door lead too ?

This door is the beginning of the path that leads 7770 kilometres away,

When he gets to that City of the Holy Temple the 24 elders are waiting.

The Angel will enter that Temple and his truth will be made known.

They will see he had been slain by the blood upon his spirit. 

Of the 7 letters he will read the spiritual message before the 24 elders

and they will know him to hold the 7 spirits of the 7 letters to each of the 7 congregations in Asia. 

Then they will see the signature upon his spirit of the Father that was placed and promised too him by the one you call Jesus.

It can be seen through his tunic of skin.

It is of his spirit !

A question to answer before i go on.. 

What nationality is your spirit after you die ?

Then what religion would your spirit be then ?

How will you answer those questions before the Throne of Jesus/ ,,,,,

Yes Indeed how foolish is the human race.

The Heavenly Temple.

The Golden Gate.

From behind the Pleiades Sisters The golden gate is, within the gate there are 24 pillars, 

between these pillars the river of life runs.

Each pillar is one of 12 Constellation, at the base of each  pillar there is a cup / challis,

the cup is filled with the crystal water of life from the river.

All who are of that Constellation may drink freely of the cup.

When those who have passed drink of the cup it is shown to them the Earthly name of the Angel,

then they ask that a love one to go to that name upon the Earth written in stone upon the pillar,

The Pleiades Sisters hear this then act upon it !

Sometime the path is not seen and the hidden message is not heard. 

But A door is there before you, it was never shut to you.

 You thought he is trying to tell you something yet he said nothing,

but he is talking to the spirit that sent you to him while you are there with eyes that see ! 

The Temple of 7770 it has been there since the stone age,

About 2,500 to 1,700 years ago somebody left a message at that Temple for the Angel to find !

He found it. 

The Angels name will be announced before all the other Angels and to the Father.

King of Kings Lord of Lords !

Authority given to him.

Man made religion has lied on so many levels.

 Revelations Letter 7

I Jesus will allow { you } to sit with me on my Throne as i sat with my Father upon his Throne !

Who is { You } ? It is his last Angel who was the first of 7 killed !

People have falsely Judged.

Ask yourself this question.

How could he had ever known to measure to that Temple ?

How did he know to do this ?

Then for the number to be 7770 perfect.

You can see the message found upon the video made of the measurement from his home to the Temple.

He knew where to measure to because of events in Revelation Chapter 3 Letter 5.

A few names those who are worthy that are about to die.

He saved them and sent them home to a safe place.

But once more you judged him.

When Will He Go To The Temple ?

Within Revelation letter 6 it states, Hold fast what you have.

This hold fast means, stay where you are ! 

Then it states, I am coming Quickly.

He knows what to look for within the heavens.

For him to whom it is given too, for he will know that sign and know then the time has come.

Then he will make his way to the Holy Temple of 7770.

They will take the garments from the Angels chest,

Not as a tattoo of a flower! But from the spirit woven to him within seen. 

Then they will know he is of the Heavenly Temple for the signature within him does not lie.

All these things seen upon the Earth at the Holy Temple,

will also be played out in Heaven.

As it is a reflection.

He is the image of his light !

His essence comes from the creation of light within the singularity. 

This woven to the fabric of his spirit to which holds the signature of the Heavenly Father.

Things he has always hidden.

Revelations letter 6 states.

Jesus tells his Angel this.

I Jesus will make you a pillar in the Temple of { My God }

I Jesus will write on you the name of { My God }

I Jesus will write on you the name of the { City of My God },

 {The New Jerusalem }, which comes down from Heaven from my God.

The Mysteries of this letter !

Nobody but the Angel knows what this means.

It is wrote to the Angels spirit which is the address of each letter.

Remember this is under copyrights and is not permitted to be placed on another platform, website or copied.

Read Revelation Chapter 6 The first seal being opened.

The White Horse represents the medical, now go back to the Latin and look at what the bow was used for!

It was to fire an arrow into the enemy.

The arrow was dipped in poison and injected into the enemy causing death over a period of time.

All it had to do was pierce the shin.

This was wrote 2,500 years ago, it was meant for now! Hence the last Angel.

Then read all the way to the end 4th seal.

Why didn’t you listen to me, i warned you!

Woe to those who have caused this.

There is a very bad false God that is causing all the trouble in the world right now.

Prepare for a false God coming and possibly a false contact. 

For over near 30 years he has been warning of very bad things to come.

Now it is upon you all.

You do not know the measure of this false God.

Know these words to be faithful and true !